Transportation and construction sectors rebound in mobility

Measurement analyzed 103 million kilometers traveled by the main productive sectors after the start of the lack of confinement.

In the midst of the gradual lack of confinement, the various productive sectors of the country have already visualized the first effects of the return to activities. This was also evidenced by the latest report of the Samtech Transportation Index (STI), an indicator of the Chilean IT services company for fleet monitoring, control and management, Samtech, which analyzed more than 103 million kilometers traveled by the main industries of the country.

'As of June, it is already beginning to be seen how the industries are resuming a progressive return to their activities, given the increase that these have had in their mobility. Despite this, many of these productive sectors will have the challenge of visualizing new processes and technologies to operate normally, in a responsible manner, minimizing the risks of contagion,' commented Cristián Barrientos, general manager of Samtech.

According to the report, which compiles information from June 1 to August 25, the automotive, engineering and construction sectors were the ones that rebounded the most with respect to their mobility, with a variation of 84%, 25% and 8%, respectively. Meanwhile, the passenger transport area, a sector that presented sustained falls that reached a peak of -69%, is already beginning to show a rebound in its displacements with an increase of 42% in the mobility of its fleets, in the midst of of the lifting of quarantines at the national level and the easing of sanitary restrictions, a situation that has allowed them to resume their operations.

Despite the fact that the mining sector has maintained a stable trend in its mobility indicators, in this latest report it presented a decrease of 0,3% in its displacements, unlike the 8% increase displayed in the previous measurement, a variation that it is strongly influenced by the resilience that the sector showed at the beginning of the pandemic, which means that today there are no large gaps to recover in their displacements.

Areas that decreased

Regarding the sectors that have reduced their mobility, the security, public sector -which corresponds to fleets of hospitals and municipalities- and services are positioned, industries that have shown a fall of 21,4%, 21% and 17%, respectively. Situation that would be related to a gradual 'normalization' in the demand of these industries, which grew exponentially during the quarantine period.

When comparing the variation of the industries in March (beginning of the health crisis) and in August, most of the items analyzed have seen an increase in their trips that exceeds 10%.

Meanwhile, the items of certifiers and cold chains are the areas that show the highest percentage of growth in the measurement, a situation that shows a rebound in field services.

Source: El Mercurio

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